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Подарочная книга Dave Broome "The World Atlas of Whisky"

291 625
  • Артикул: 100410
  • Наличие: в наличии на удаленном складе
  • только ручная работа
  • редкая итальянская кожа
  • кожаный переплет
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  • По Москве и Московской области
(до 50 км от МКАД)
  • Самовывоз: г. Москва, ул. Новочерёмушкинская, д.17
  • В регионы России по тарифам транспортных компаний в максимально короткие сроки.
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The World Atlas of Whisky is a comprehensive guide that will replace the amateur and connoisseur with a whole arsenal of books about whiskey. The book introduces the history of this drink, whiskeys, the production process, terminology and characteristics of the world's whiskey brands. This full study of the most diverse of strong spirits glorifies the richness and perfection of bouquets and the skill of performing the best brands of whiskey.
The book describes in detail all Scotch whiskey. Close attention is paid to the distilleries of Ireland, Japan, the USA, Canada and other countries producing whiskey. In Atlas there are 24 detailed color maps of the countries and regions in which this drink is made, single malt whiskeys from Aberfeldyflo Yamazaki, outstanding blends from Johnnie Walker to Hibiki, as well as the best bourbon and rye whiskey from Buffalo Trace to Wild Turkey. You will also find tasting notes about more than 350 samples of whiskey.

Composite cover "Bradel", handmade binding is made of a combination of natural leathers (leather "Robat Maronne", leather "Gabbiacamoscio", leather "Troppopienoluminoso" produced by the Italian tannery "Benericetti"). The cover of the book is two-level, decorated with a combination of deep embroidered and embossed gold embossing (the "Luxor 240" foil is used), decorated with gold-plated legs (4 pieces) and brass hollyenas. The block is manually polished, painted and gilded with gold leaf. The stand of the author's design " Barrel " is decorated in the style of the book and inside it is covered with Italian cotton-velvet.
Certificate. Velvet cover.
Number of pages - 336.
The weight of the book is 1.6 kg.
The book dimensions are 240x297x45mm.

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Подарочная книга Dave Broome "The World Atlas of Whisky"

DAVE BROOME "THE WORLD ATLAS OF WHISKY" ANNOTATION      The World Atlas of Whisky is a comprehensive guide that will replace the amateur and connoisseur with a whole arsenal of books about whiskey. The book introduces the history of this drink, whiskeys, the production process, terminology and characteristics of the world's whiskey brands. This full study of the most diverse of strong spirits glorifies the richness and perfection of bouquets and the skill of performing the best brands of whiskey.      The book describes in detail all Scotch whiskey. Close attention is paid to the distilleries of Ireland, Japan, the USA, Canada and other countries producing whiskey. In Atlas there are 24 detailed color maps of the countries and regions in which this drink is made, single malt whiskeys from Aberfeldyflo Yamazaki, outstanding blends from Johnnie Walker to Hibiki, as well as the best bourbon and rye whiskey from Buffalo Trace to Wild Turkey. You will also find tasting notes about more than 350 samples of whiskey. DECORATION     Composite cover "Bradel", handmade binding is made of a combination of natural leathers (leather "Robat Maronne", leather "Gabbiacamoscio", leather "Troppopienoluminoso" produced by the Italian tannery "Benericetti"). The cover of the book is two-level, decorated with a combination of deep embroidered and embossed gold embossing (the "Luxor 240" foil is used), decorated with gold-plated legs (4 pieces) and brass hollyenas. The block is manually polished, painted and gilded with gold leaf. The stand of the author's design " Barrel " is decorated in the style of the book and inside it is covered with Italian cotton-velvet.      Certificate. Velvet cover.      Number of pages - 336.      The weight of the book is 1.6 kg.      The book dimensions are 240x297x45mm.


Подарочная книга Dave Broome "The World Atlas of Whisky"

Подарочная книга Dave Broome "The World Atlas of Whisky"


(2 рецензии)

Книги, в которых собраны шедевры классической литературы, — это настоящее сокровище для библиофилов. Каждое издание словно приглашает прикоснуться к вечности, объединяя в себе изысканный внешний облик и бесценное содержание. Погружаясь в строки Толстого, Достоевского или Пушкина, ощущаешь особую связь с культурным наследием, усиливаемую утончённой красотой оформления. Эти книги созданы не только для чтения, но и для любования ими, как произведением искусства, достойным быть сердцем любой домашней библиотеки.

Алексей Моисеев

Книги ручной работы — это не просто издания, это настоящие произведения искусства. Каждая такая книга будто хранит тайну: её приятно держать в руках, рассматривать детали изысканного оформления, чувствовать тонкий аромат натуральной кожи и страниц. Эти книги созданы, чтобы их читали не спеша, смакуя каждое слово, или хранили на полке как драгоценность, передавая из поколения в поколение. Тиснение добавляет книге статусности и индивидуальности, превращая её в уникальный подарок для ценителей красоты и интеллектуальных удовольствий. Это выбор тех, кто стремится окружить себя вещами, имеющими душу и историю.

Евгений Федорович

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