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Подарочная книга "Why smart executives fail"

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Bob Pittman and AOL Time Warner. Jean Marie Messier and Vivendi. Jill Barad and Mattel. Dennis Kozlowski and Tyco. It's an all too common scenario. A great company breaks from the pack; the analysts are in love; the smiling CEO appears on the cover of Fortune.
Two years later, the company is in flames, the pension plan is bleeding, the stock is worthless. What goes wrong in these cases? Usually it seems that top management made some incredibly stupid mistakes. But the people responsible are almost always remarkably intelligent and usually have terrific track records. Just as puzzling as the fact that brilliant managers can make bad mistakes is the way they so often magnify the damage. Once a company has made a serious mis-step, it often seems as though it can't do anything right. How does this happen? Instead of rectifying their mistakes, why do business leaders regularly make them worse?
To answer these questions, Sydney Finkelstein has carried out the largest research project ever devoted to corporate mistakes and failures. In WHY SMART EXECUTIVES FAIL, he and his research team uncover-with startling clarity and unassailable documentation-the causes regularly responsible for major business breakdowns. He relates the stories of great business disasters and demonstrates that there are specific, identifiable ways in which many businesses regularly make themselves vulnerable to failure. The result is a truly indispensable, practical, must-read book that explains the mechanics of business failure, how to avoid them, and what to do if they happen.

Composite cover "Bradel", handmade binding of handwork is made of genuine leather (leather "Gabinetto" produced by the Italian tannery "Benericetti"). The cover of the book is two-level, decorated with multi-level embossing: deep blint and relief gold, using the "Luxor 240" foil. The cut is manually polished and gilded with gold leaf.
Certificate in set, velvet cover.
Dimensions of the book – 145x210x35 mm
Weight of the book - 0,9 kg

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Подарочная книга "Why smart executives fail"

WHY SMART EXECUTIVES FAIL ANNOTATION      Bob Pittman and AOL Time Warner. Jean Marie Messier and Vivendi. Jill Barad and Mattel. Dennis Kozlowski and Tyco. It's an all too common scenario. A great company breaks from the pack; the analysts are in love; the smiling CEO appears on the cover of Fortune.     Two years later, the company is in flames, the pension plan is bleeding, the stock is worthless. What goes wrong in these cases? Usually it seems that top management made some incredibly stupid mistakes. But the people responsible are almost always remarkably intelligent and usually have terrific track records. Just as puzzling as the fact that brilliant managers can make bad mistakes is the way they so often magnify the damage. Once a company has made a serious mis-step, it often seems as though it can't do anything right. How does this happen? Instead of rectifying their mistakes, why do business leaders regularly make them worse?     To answer these questions, Sydney Finkelstein has carried out the largest research project ever devoted to corporate mistakes and failures. In WHY SMART EXECUTIVES FAIL, he and his research team uncover-with startling clarity and unassailable documentation-the causes regularly responsible for major business breakdowns. He relates the stories of great business disasters and demonstrates that there are specific, identifiable ways in which many businesses regularly make themselves vulnerable to failure. The result is a truly indispensable, practical, must-read book that explains the mechanics of business failure, how to avoid them, and what to do if they happen. DECORATION     Composite cover "Bradel", handmade binding of handwork is made of genuine leather (leather "Gabinetto" produced by the Italian tannery "Benericetti"). The cover of the book is two-level, decorated with multi-level embossing: deep blint and relief gold, using the "Luxor 240" foil. The cut is manually polished and gilded with gold leaf.     Certificate in set, velvet cover.     Dimensions of the book – 145x210x35 mm     Weight of the book - 0,9 kg


Подарочная книга "Why smart executives fail"

Подарочная книга "Why smart executives fail"


(2 рецензии)

Книги, в которых собраны шедевры классической литературы, — это настоящее сокровище для библиофилов. Каждое издание словно приглашает прикоснуться к вечности, объединяя в себе изысканный внешний облик и бесценное содержание. Погружаясь в строки Толстого, Достоевского или Пушкина, ощущаешь особую связь с культурным наследием, усиливаемую утончённой красотой оформления. Эти книги созданы не только для чтения, но и для любования ими, как произведением искусства, достойным быть сердцем любой домашней библиотеки.

Алексей Моисеев

Книги ручной работы — это не просто издания, это настоящие произведения искусства. Каждая такая книга будто хранит тайну: её приятно держать в руках, рассматривать детали изысканного оформления, чувствовать тонкий аромат натуральной кожи и страниц. Эти книги созданы, чтобы их читали не спеша, смакуя каждое слово, или хранили на полке как драгоценность, передавая из поколения в поколение. Тиснение добавляет книге статусности и индивидуальности, превращая её в уникальный подарок для ценителей красоты и интеллектуальных удовольствий. Это выбор тех, кто стремится окружить себя вещами, имеющими душу и историю.

Евгений Федорович

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